UK Lockdown Coaching Hero Award for Reading AC Coach

Many congratulations to Roddy Slater on his UK coaching award. Roddy was the only athletics coach in the list of 25 national UK coaching hero awards.

Our coaching co-ordinator, Nyasher Browne has written the following:

This man is well loved, known by all and very well respected as a person and for all he does, so it was only right that some good was finally returned to him. Although being the humble guy he is he takes his gratitude from seeing the people he works with on and off the track accomplishments.

Being more than just a coach to each and every athlete on his team alongside his life commitments and full-time job I'm surprised he has time to breath, yet he never complains and is always raring to go and is able to keep everyone focused.

When supporting the athletes, he knows that there is more to them than just the sport and helps them mentally, emotionally and physically when they have injuries. This helps them with their growth and this in turn helps them to excel in their personal performance. Once they hit their targets and reach their achievements, he is sure to remind of them of what they have done and overcome to reach that point so they can build on their confidence.

Having a taste of the track himself he knows what it’s like to be where the athletes are at and this adds to the trust, he has built with those he coaches. As we all know in life advice is always better coming from someone we can relate too.

So, a big well-deserved congratulations and award very rightfully went to the man who wears many hats but certainly doesn’t have a big enough head to fill them.

Here is what some of his athletes had to say about him:

“He treats everyone equally and he’s not just helping everyone on track he helps everyone with their personal issues”

“My favourite thing about Roddy is that he brings out the full potential of everyone while keeping a fun environment and he is always a joy to be around”

“My favourite thing about Roddy is how he makes training specific to each athlete. He keeps us encouraged and motivated. He is also supportive off the track and is always willing to help out”

“He tells me to stand tall but also gives me the knowledge and support to help do so and remain that way”

“My Favourite things about Roddy are that he has helped me with life outside of the track, as he has helped me to balance work and training. But on the track my favourite thing about him is how patient he is with me when it comes to drills, especially with my disability”

“Roddy is very kind-hearted and is willing to go above and beyond for his people. He welcomes anyone with open arms no matter their circumstances and even though he is an athletics coach he takes his time to really know his athletes. Which I feel makes the training very beneficial as he knows each individual's needs. He gives A1 advice and introduces you to numerous opportunities to help your personal growth. Overall, he’s just good energy to be around no matter your circumstances anywhere else when you're around him it’s just good vibes to be around”

“My favourite things about Roddy are his enthusiasm, ambition, drive and caring nature”

Further details can be found here:’s-lockdown-c