Reading Athletic Club Recognises Outstanding 2022 Performances

As the outdoor track season closes, Reading Athletic Club held its annual awards ceremony at Palmer Park on Saturday 24 September 2022 with several other athletes nominated the list of winners and some photographs appearing below. Each Winner received a trophy for their award, a personal trophy and a certificate. All nominees received a medal and a certificate.

Well done to everyone who competed for the club during the past twelve months.

U13 Girls' Improver of the Year              Katie Nicholson

U13 Girls' Athlete of the Year                 Mia Bradbury-Findeis

U13 Boys' Athlete of the Year                Micah Hampden

U13 Boys' Improver of the Year             Taryn Guthrie

U15 Boys' Improver of the Year             Eddy Guta

U15 Girls' Athlete of the Year                 Molly Barnes

U15 Girls' Improver of the Year              Patricia Armah

U15 Boys' Athlete of the Year                Soham Das

U17 Men's Athlete of the Year                Finley Hanham

U17 Men's Athlete of the Year                Hal Rust D'Eye

U17 Ladies' Athlete of the Year              Kaya Slater

U17 Men's Improver of the Year             Kaylon Nneke

U17 Ladies' Improver of the Year           Moriah Hurst

U20 Ladies' Improver of the Year           Evie Warren

U20 Men's Improver of the Year             Gregor Jones

U20 Ladies' Athlete of the Year              Kayin Hurst

U20 Men's Athlete of the Year                Sammy Ball

Veteran Athlete of the Year                    Kevin Cranmer

Junior Top Points Scorer of the Year       Bisan Musa

Senior Points Scorer                              Kayin Hurst

Off-Track Athlete of the Year                 Jess Gibbon

Track Athlete of the Year                       Karen Burles

Sprinter of the Year                               Alex Mihalciuc

Field Athlete of the Year                        Michael Dzandu

Coach of the Year                                  Keith Whyte

Volunteer of the Year                             Joe Frew

Official of the Year                                 John Bayley

Performance of the Year                        U20 Men 4x400m team

Female Athlete of the Year                     Charlotte Payne

Male Athlete of the Year                        Joe Frew